Friday, August 8, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier [Film Review]

Captain America was my least favorite of Phase One of the Marvel studios films, apart from The Avengers, which I kinda sorta hated. But I had high hopes for this film, as the reviews were good, all my friends said it was awesome. But then again, that was the case with The Avengers.

Also. My mother said this was better than The Grand Budapest Hotel. Bull.

That said, it was fun. The performers are decent, Samuel Jackson's fun, Chris Evan's okay. Scarlett Johanson's incredible. It's astonishing that such a highly esteemed actor as Robert Redford is in this film, but I guess he thought it was worth it.

I will admit that this is likely the most politically charged Marvel film yet, as well as likely its most conspiratorial. The plot is rather complex and brings memories of two Tom Cruise films forth... Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and Minority Report.

But really, the fact is about this one is for me, it was not engaging in the slightest. The fight scenes were seldom well shot and never had me fearing for anyone's life at all. I always felt certain that everyone would come out of it in the end. And that's a big problem with a lot of Marvel films, is that they barely ever take risks (unlike Nolan's Batman series). They've always got tons and tons of sequels planned, and are constantly trying to please their comic book loving fan base that nothing crazy ever really happens.

What it really comes down to is that Captain America: The Winter Soldier is basically clean, ordinary summer entertainment. And every once in a while there's nothing wrong with that. Like I said, it is fun. Though it's really not memorable in the slightest, it's decent.

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