Friday, September 5, 2014

A Million Ways to Die in the West [Film Review]

Despite all of the bad reviews for this film, I thought it would at least be good for some cheap stupid laughs. This has been the case with several films that were not well received by critics, that are not high quality films but are really rather funny. At least to me. Like Due Date. Well, this film is cheap and stupid, but provides few laughs.

Seth McFarlane seriously needs to stick to animation, or simply being behind the camera. Because to be honest, his on-screen acting is totally charmless. And his constant commentaries on history and today's society are obvious and obnoxious. I just cannot describe how absolutely annoying McFarlane is in this film. His character is immensely undeveloped... you know, I feel odd judging the character development of a Seth McFarlane film, but I would like at least one decent character, and there are none here.

Everything is parodic, and thus there's really nothing original, or at least nothing original that's good. Everything that is original is original for a reason: it's just so freaking stupid that nobody would ever think it was a good idea to do it. Because it's not. Which is why this movie was a bore, and a failure as a comedy.

And the attempted comedy throughout the film is all weak, crass, and stupid. There are fart jokes, poop jokes, and the comedy in this film is dumber than most jokes in Family Guy. It's ridiculously dumb.

And it also features a horrid misuse of the excellent actor that is Liam Neeson.

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